Wednesday, November 15, 2006

DREAM ON.....BUT.........

Ever wondered what really makes us, humans, so special ,separating us from Billions of other Species ? I don't think that the answer is hidden beneath a lot scientific mumbo-jumbo or metaphysical definitions ;but is rather very simple - We Humans can DREAM ,THINK & make EFFORTS towards achieving the IMPOSSIBLE. I'm reminded of a gem of a quote from Carl Sagan:- IMAGINATION Will often carry us to worlds that never were.But without it we go nowhere. So,next time you chance upon a Looney Character- don't look down upon the person,scratch below the surface & perhaps you'll find that he/she is a Dreamer & who knows,might provide us with one bright IDEA (the next best Idea) that can change the World as we know today. The Human Spririt & Imagination has no limits -or shall I say Imagination IS the ONLY LIMIT ! A word of caution -though it is true that "All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers"-Orison Swett but also remember that "The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up !"-Paul Valery So DARE TO DREAM AND MAKE HONEST EFFORT TO MAKE IT A REALITY.

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